Next UK youth strike 21 June

Find your local strike here. Adults are invited to come along to show support - do read this guide produced by the school strike organisers about how adults can best support them on the day and in other ways. 

Please support if you can the crowdfunder to help cover costs for this ongoing movement.

24 May; Another massive global strike by school and college students.

With over 30,000 young people protesting around the UK demanding action to halt climate change: Guardian report here: schoolchildren go on strike across world over climate crisis

12 April: Young people take to the streets again in their thousands.

A series of very lively, very vocal protests with a particular focus on getting the government to adopt a Green New Deal. The youth strikers in the UK have looked across the Atlantic, where the Sunrise Movement, led by young adults, has propelled the Green New Deal into a serious political bid to tackle the climate emergency. Green New Deal for the UK.




15 March: around 1.5 million turn out around the world to protest climate inaction.

The protests swept across the globe in at least 100 countries - from Australia, where 150,000 defied a government ruled by the coal industry, across Asia, Africa and to Europe, where city squares and streets were packed in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, in the UK (the video below shows the passion, commitment and energy at the London protest) and on to North and South America.

Video below from London protest:


15 February: first UK strike

An extraordinary day of action on 15 February saw thousands of young people skip school and take to the streets to voice their anger and frustration at the failure of the government and older generations to tackle climate change. In London, thousands gathered in Parliament Square, but soon the crowd started to move, in a spontaneous march up Whitehall (the video above shows just a part of this crowd).

Protests also took place in over 50 other cities and towns across the UK. You can read more in the Guardian, on the BBC, CNN and local media.

Updates on the UK movement on the UKSCN website, or on Facebook.

Background: Greta Thunberg and the start of the school strike movement

There have been escalating young people's school strikes across the globe, with tens of thousands coming onto the streets in major cities to demand action to stop global warming and environmental destruction. All have been inspired by Greta Thunberg who began a solo climate protest by striking from school in Sweden in August 2018. Since then, thousands of school students around the world have joined her. The school strikes have spread to at least 270 towns and cities in countries across the world, including Australia, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, the US, Canada and Japan.

The picture above shows young people in Zurich on 21 December, taking part in a strike organised by an independent youth movement, not affiliated to any parties or organisations. 

In November 2018, thousands of Australian children struck school in defiance of the prime minister to protest for greater action on climate change. Organisers estimated around 15,000 left their classrooms in 30 locations across the country, including Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth, carrying signs reading "procrastinating is our job not yours" and "I've seen smarter Cabinets at Ikea". There were similar protests in Canberra and Hobart also.

On 10 January, 3000 young people took to the streets of Brussels, calling for climate action outside the the European Parliament. A week later on 17 January, 12,500 came out. On 24 January, over 32,000 took part, with another 5000 coming out in other Belgian cities.

The following day, there were climate strikes in Switzerland, where more than 20,000 students from schools and colleges in 15 cities took part, and in Germany, where similar numbers joined events in at least 56 towns and cities.